Student Time: 2 hours and 15 minutes
Mentor Time: 3 hours
Mentor Meeting: 30 minutes prior to the end of school bell.
10 minutes: Connect (peak /pit that occurred in the last 7 days) and Snack
5 minutes: Total Recall (review questions from prior week(s))
10 minutes: Last Week’s “Next Step” Check-In (discuss and record)
5 minutes: Step-Up-To-The-Mic (briefly share highlights and celebrate “Next Step” accomplishments)
30 minutes: Oceans of Motion (different activities: homework help, gym, board games, crafts)
5 minutes: Bathroom Break
10 minutes: Minute-2-Win-It Team Building Competition
5 minutes: “Have You Ever…” (brief intro to topic)
5 minutes: Team “Discovery” Discussion (Find out what students think/know about topic before presentation)
20 minutes: Multi-Media Presentation
5 minutes: Personal Application (4 questions students quietly answer that help them arrive at their next step)
20 minutes: Team “Next Step” Discussion and Academic Check-In
5 minutes: Ninja Contest (who can clean up their area best) and Announcements
Mentor Debrief:
5 minutes: Walk students to cars/busses, then security takes over making sure students are picked up.
10 minutes: Share what went well, stories heard, opportunities for improvement, challenges, etc.